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Madre Herb & More

Klip Dagga

Klip Dagga

Regular price $27.77 USD
Regular price Sale price $27.77 USD
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  • Klip Dagga has long been used in African traditional medicine as a treatment for fevers, headaches, malaria, dysentery and snakebite.
  • It has an effect on the uterus - depending on the dose it will stimulate- or suppress menstruation.
  • In Trinidad it is a common cold, fever and asthma remedy.
  • Studies suggest that teas or tinctures made with the leaf possesses anti-nociceptive properties (it inhibits the sensation of pain), is anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic and therefore lend pharmacological credence to the folkloric uses of this herb in the management and/or control of painful, arthritic, and other inflammatory conditions, as well as for adult-onset type-2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Both Klip Dagga Leonotis nepetifolia and Wild Dagga Leonotis leonurus are excellent heart tonics.
  • They are used for heart conditions associated with anxiety and tension and will calm palpitations, tachycardia and irregular heartbeats.
  • The dried foliage of Leonotis - both Wild Dagga and Klip Dagga - can be used as a legal substitute for marijuana (ganja, cannabis, hemp).
  • Smoking this dried herb gives an euphoric-like effect and exuberance.
  • The flowers are the most potent part and can be smoked or used as a calming tea.

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